Tuesday, March 10, 2009

‘Election watch will work’

‘VISAKHAPATNAM: ‘Election watch’ by various organisations might not solve all problems, but the fear of being watched would go a long way in setting many things right. It would have a chastening effect on all concerned. This watch should be extended to ‘elected people’, said former secretary to the Government of India, EAS Sarma. Mr. Sarma, who was the chief guest at a regional conference on ‘Election Watch’ (the Role of Consumer Organisations in Election Watch) organised by the Hyderabad-based Consumer Awareness and Research Society, at the Civic Library here on Sunday stressed the importance of work at the field level . Electoral rolls form the base for a democratic society and consumer societies and other NGOs could do a lot of work in setting right irregularities in the electoral rolls.

General secretary of the CARS, Mandadi Krishan Reddy presided over the meeting. Ensuring enrolment of missing voters, deletion of bogus voters, finding out the assets of candidates by obtaining their affidavits by making use of the RTI Act were some of the steps that the ‘election watch’ could take.


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