Monday, May 16, 2011

KCR warns of Telangana agitation peaking again

Future strategy:Telangana JAC chairman M. Kodandaram with TRS president K. Chandrasekhar Rao and TNGO's Central Union president K. Swamy Goud at a meeting in Hyderabad on Saturday.
HYDERABAD: Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) president K. Chandrasekhar Rao has said that the issue of separate Telangana will get focussed at national and international levels by June 10 when the region will “boil” with agitations.
He also said an overdose of the agitation in the coming days was justified because the prime targets this time would be MPs and MLAs of Congress and Telugu Desam who have played mischievous games on the slogan of Telangana. He asked the supporters of Telangana to keep the missiles ready for Congress MPs if they did not resign, as promised, in the event of Statehood not being granted by the first week of June.
Mr. Rao was addressing a meeting of the steering committee of Telangana joint action committee (JAC) here on Saturday. Targeting the TDP, he asked the JAC to give a call to the cadre of that party in Telangana to quit and join the TRS, BJP or the JAC itself. Already 7 to 8 lakh activists of TDP had joined the TRS.
The JAC should also vacate its office housed in the quarter of TDP MLA E. Dayakar Rao at the New MLA quarters here. Mr. Dayakar Rao often insulted the JAC publicly saying it worked from his accommodation.
Mr. Rao also took the JAC to task for deliberating on whether or not to attend the rally of another TDP leader Nagam Janardhan Reddy at Nagarkurnool recently. Mr. Reddy and Minister Jupalli Krishna Rao, both of whom claimed to champion the cause of Telangana, carried out “duplicate” activities which the JAC should not have considered.
He took a dig at JAC chairman M. Kodandaram's remark earlier that the Telangana agitation passed through a stalemate recently and said it was an irresponsible one. In this context, he said a movement did not mean that people should take to streets everyday.
Mr. Kodandaram said the targets of agitation by JAC after June 1 would be Congress leaders since they dilly dallied on separate Telangana for over a year.

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