Thursday, May 5, 2011

TRS MLAs concentrate on development works

ADILABAD: The current lull in the separate Telangana movement has made Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) MLAs from Adilabad district to concentrate on development of their respective constituencies. Moreover, they are not paying a heed to the raised eyebrows of party colleagues when meeting Ministers or Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy for sanction of developmental works.
Mancherial MLA G. Arvind Reddy has sought an appointment with the Chief Minister on Thursday to request him for a change in alignment of the four-lane Rajiv Rahadari in Karimnagar district so that it benefits his constituency and neighbouring Bellampalli. He does not seem to mind even if party leaders view the meeting from a different perspective.
The MLAs, including Kaveti Sammaiah, the suspended incumbent from Sirpur, apparently are not confident of the movement gaining momentum in near future. “It is difficult to sustain an agitation for longer periods,” says the Mancherial MLA about the ground reality.
He feels that initiating development activity is the right thing to do under the given circumstances. “I should be able to answer the people in my constituency,” he adds.
A segment of TRS leaders in the district is of the view that the movement is not left with sufficient steam. “We are searching for new ideas to revive the movement to keep up the pressure on the government,” a party leader commented sarcastically, apparently worried about the current lull phase in the movement.
Mr. Arvind Reddy also seems to subscribe to this theory as he does not sound very optimistic about the future of the agitation. His contention about the movement losing steam is based on the lack in lustre of the TRS formation day which was celebrated recently.

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