Saturday, June 4, 2011

Andhra assembly witnesses many goof-ups

of goof-ups on Saturday. 

When the national anthem was being played soon after members assembled at 11 am, nobody took notice of it as everyone, including chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and pro tem speaker J C Diwakar Reddy, were busy confabulating with one another. It was only towards the end of the anthem that some of them realised and quickly stood up, and others followed. 

Also, while the assembly secretariat issued a bulletin on Friday night stating that the election to the Speaker post would be through secret ballot, it was later changed to open ballot system fearing cross-voting. Normally, the consent of the members of the House has to be taken before changing the procedure which was not done in this case. Admitting that it was a mistake, pro tem speaker Diwaker Reddy said it was his decision to go for open ballot based on legal opinion. The opposition should not blame the assembly secretariat for it, he said. 

Again, Diwakar Reddy was the butt of opposition ridicule when he goofed up while announcing the name of the Congress candidate for Speaker's post. Instead of Nandendla Manohar's name, he announced: "those in favour of Nandendla Bhaskar Rao should get up.'' Bhaskar Rao being the former chief minister and father of Manohar! Following noises from opposition benches, he corrected himself but in the confusion failed to announce the name of the opposition candidate. 

When the members supporting Manohar stood up, forest minister S Vijayaramaraju took his own time doing so. He stood up after a few minutes only after realising his mistake. 

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