Monday, June 20, 2011

Ugly scenes mark DCC meeting at Kakinada

KAKINADA: Unruly scenes marked the District Congress Committee (DCC) meeting held at the party office here on Sunday. The party workers divided into two groups and began opposing the supporting the DCC president Ch. Srinivasa Venugopala Krishna, who recently resigned to the party and rejoined it within a short time.
The group that was opposing him began shouting slogans “Venu, go back” the moment he was entering into the meeting hall along with Ministers Pinipe Viswaroop and Tota Narasimham. Both the Ministers made futile attempts to pacify the groups, but the situation went out of gear with the members of the two groups entering into a wordy duel.
Apology sought
When the warring groups were about to attack each other with the plastic chairs, the police entered the scene and brought the situation under control. A couple of minutes later, the group opposing the DCC president began demanding his apologies for leaving the party without taking them into confidence.
It was when Mr. Viswaroop announced that there would be a change in the leadership of the district Congress committees across the State and the party high command would take the cadre into confidence.
Both Mr. Viswaroop and Mr. Narasimham urged the party workers to promote the welfare schemes being implemented by the State government at the grass root level, so that the party could win the elections to the local bodies. They said that the new president of the Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee Botcha Satyanarayana was expecting the same from the party workers.
“Mr. Satyanarayana's appointment as the PCC president has boosted the morale of the party cadre and it is visible everywhere,” Mr. Narasimham said. Party MLAs P.V. Satish Kumar, Rapaka Vara Prasad, Raja Ashok Babu and other leaders were present.

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