Friday, June 17, 2011

TDP faults Chidambaram's fresh talk

HYDERABAD: Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has termed Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram's comment made to a delegation of Telangana Congress leaders that the party has not taken a decision yet on the Telangana issue and the government will act only after it, as deceiving the people of the region once again.
Addressing a press conference here on Thursday, TDP polit bureau member K. Srihari alleged that treatment meted out to the delegation by Mr. Chidambaram amounted to insulting Telangana people and the movement for statehood.
The Minister's attitude was clearly indicative of the Union's intentions of making the issue complex, the TDp leader said.
‘Centre conspiring'
“It looks like the Centre is conspiring to weaken Telangana movement as there is a marked difference in Mr. Chidambaram's tone,” he said and wondered how he had announced the initiation of the process for formation of Telangana on December 9, 2009 without the party's clearance. “It indicates that Congress has changed its stand on the issue,” he added.
The TDP leader sought to know how Ghulam Nabi Azad, P. Chidambaram, S. Jaipal Reddy and D. Purandeswari, all members of Manmohan Singh Cabinet, could speak in different voices on Telangana issue if the party was committed.
“Some elements are trying to target TDP unable to take on the Congress,” he said.
Another polit bureau member Ramesh Rathod said the TDP MPs from Telangana were ready to tender resignations if Telangana Bill was not introduced in the next session of Parliament, provided their Congress counterparts are ready for the same.

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