Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Telangana JAC urged to lead united fight

HYDERABAD: The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) Telangana Forum has said that it was in favour of stepping up Telangana movement cutting across party lines and felt Telangana Joint Action Committee should take the lead.
Addressing a press conference here on Tuesday, convenor of the Telangana Forum Errabelli Dayakar Rao welcomed the Congress leaders' offer of resignations, if their leadership failed to take a decision by July. The TDP was always in favour of quitting all key elected posts to mount pressure on the Centre.
He suggested T-JAC convenor M. Kodandaram to convene an all-party round table meet to discuss the options of contesting under the banner of T-JAC or keeping away from posts till Telangana was achieved. He dismissed as “pompous” claims of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) president K. Chandrasekhar Rao that he would ensure the victory of anyone who quits for Telangana cause.
Jayashankar mourned
The Forum was against any special package for Telangana and it would not accept separate State without Hyderabad. He termed the death of Telangana ideologue K. Jayashankar as a huge blow to the movement. “Prof. Jayashankar will remain in the hearts of Telangana people forever as he never feared his official positions in raising the voice on the injustices heaped on the region for more than five decades,” the TDP leader said. He had called on the ideologue ailing with throat cancer four days back. He was saddened when Prof. Jayashankar said he was leaving un-contented as his dream of Telangana remained unrealised in his lifetime.

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