Monday, June 20, 2011

Convert Tenant Farmers' Ordinance into act, says Raghavulu

CPI (M) State secretary B.V. Raghavalu speaking at a meeting of the tenant farmers in Vijayawada on Sunday.
VIJAYAWADA: Tenant farmers should come together as massive organisation to force the Government to convert the Tenant Farmers' Ordinance into an act by introducing it the Assembly within six months, Communist Party of India (Marxist) State Secretary B.V. Raghavulu has said.
He gave a call to the tenant farmers at the Krishna district conference of A.P. Tenant Farmers' Forum on Sunday to put pressure on Government to amend the provisions in the ordinance by making them accept grama sabha's recommendation to grant a Tenant Farmer's Card instead of land owners certifying them.
At the packed Tummalapalli Kalakshetram here, he said this could be yet another ploy of the State Government to help them win the coming local body polls, but hoped that it would be implemented. “There will be no liability for the land owners, which should be widely publicised to help tenant farmers get at least Rs.50,000 to Rs.1 lakh as crop loans,” Mr. Raghavulu said. He opined that 90 per cent of the tenant farmers repaid their loans promptly and bankers were unlikely to have any problems.
Bankers should give loans to tenant farmers as they give to some Self-Help Groups without any collateral surety. Some crops had been left out of the list in the ordinance that need to be included, he said and added that tenant farmers of government and endowment lands should also be brought under this aspect.
Demanding an amendment to the Market Act, Mr. Raghavulu opined that ensuring minimum support price for the farmers' produce was possible only when the Market Committee functioned properly and the private persons were not allowed to set up own market yards.
Others who attended the meeting included AP Tenant Farmers' Forum District president Y. Kesava Rao, State secretary Vangala Subba Rao, and CITU secretary V. Umamaheswara Rao.

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